Project Proposal

Drum Workshop (DW) 5000 Series Bass Drum Pedal - Bryan Eng

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Due to their extraordinary combination of speed, strength, smoothness and nearly a quarter of a century of refinements and improvements, DW's 5000 Series continue to provide the world's top drummers with the pedals they can rely on no matter what kind of music they play. Today, DW remains "The Drummer's Choice"; offering a choice of three technologically advanced, performance-proven drive systems that have been developed to fit a variety of playing styles and situations.

For this project, I've selected to animate the first version of the 5002 Series double bass drum pedal. I've selected to concentrate on just the primary (right) pedal because of the complexity involved with animating the slave (left) pedal. The pedal is similar to the one pictured (below, left). The overall dimensions are the same. The only changes are in the bass hoop hinge, and the bass plate that supports the pedal. Otherwise, the design of the 5000 Series pedal has remained the same over the years.

The 5000 Series pedal includes a heel plate, Delta Bearing Hinge, footboard, chain, sprocket cam, two sealed bearings units, a spring tensioner, base plate, and numerous fasteners and bolts, including drum-key screws. The overall pedal contains more than 30 individual parts.

The pedal has several points of adjustablility. The height of the beater can be adjusted to give the pedal a faster feel, but this also changes the height of the attack on the beater. The tension of the spring can also be adjusted to change the rebound and overall speed of the pedal.

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