Project Proposal

Disposable Camera - Brandon Hall

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For my rendering and animation project I have chosen a disposable camera.

The disposable camera has approximately twenty parts. Seen on the right is the fully assembled product.

The esthetic cardboard box covering has been removed to show the camera's plastic base.

Partial disassembly of the camera shows its subassemblies clearly.

First there is the outer shell consisting of two parts.

Then there is a mainframe held with the outer shell which all of the camera is based upon.

Within that sits the lens assembly, the circuit board and flash, battery, wiring, film, film door and circuitry foils.

On the circuit board there is about 5 transistors, and flash compartment and bulb.

The film advancing mechanism alone has about six parts. Seen here to the right it is assembled in place. On the top of the base is the advancing wheel (with white numbering) and beside that is brass locking arm that adds tension to the shutter spring. Not seen here clearly is the shutter lace on the front of the base.

The shutter is a simple piece of stamped blackened metal attached to a spring. When tension is added from the advancing wheel, and released, the shutter simply pops up and then back into place.

To the left is seen some of the smaller, simpler components of the disposable camera. The battery, film door, film casing, circuit foil (for flash) and screws.

Here also is seen the lens assembly. It consists of five parts. It has the lenses seat, lenses, lenses holding ring, grounding circuit foil and mounting pin.

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