Sheridan College
Architectural Technology
CADD12384 - Architectural Drafting 2 - CAD

TASK 01 - Ruth Residence - First and Second Floor Plans

Using the attached preliminary design markups, prepare quality design drawings of the First and Second Floor Plans.

  1. Assume exterior walls are 8" thick and interior walls are 4-1/2" thick, except for the kitchen walls (all kitchen walls are 8" thick).
  2. The drawings provided are preliminary only. You are to produce quality design drawings using proper lineweights, layers and drafting standards. Doors and windows should be drawn using standards discussed in class.
  3. The drawings will be marked for their accuracy. Be sure to clarify any unknown dimensions with the Instructor.
  4. Add all fixtures.
  5. For this task, dimensions, text and furniture are NOT required.

Due dates:

Second Class Week 4:

Submit a single drawing file named:


where xxxxxxxx is your login account name, and submit a plot of both plans on 11 " x 17" paper. Use an appropriate scale and a simple standard titleblock (see Exercise 4) that is filled in.
